Quick zones: work faster, at less risk

Last modified: July 7, 2022
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Estimated reading time: 2 min

Level of difficulty

2/5. Will need knowledge of hierarchies – Excel/Google Sheets if managing the custom quick zones

Why custom quick zones?

Because property is geographical, you want quick ways to enter many suburbs – with one click.

And, because the way you want your suburbs organised is unique, you want to customise these suburb clusters

So… How do you enter a a pre-determined, unique set of suburbs, consistently, with ideally one button click?

Enter quick zones… No risk of missing a property in a suburb. Save the time taken to enter the same combination of suburbs over and over again.

You simply select one value, and the computer does the rest.

CRE quick zones

How to use quick zones

Look for the quick zones icon underneath the suburbs:

  1. Click on the “lightning bolt quick zones” link to open the popup
  2. Scroll down on the popup to the quick zone you want to use
  3. Click it
Quick zones commercial property

The suburbs linked to your specific quick zone will auto-populate in the suburbs box.

(As always, the city/towns and provinces/states linked to these suburbs will also be auto-entered)

Adding or removing suburbs on the fly

This is done as per normal. To remove, click on the “x” alongside the suburb. To add, start typing the name of a new suburb in. The system will fuzzy match the suburb from the system.

How do I change the suburbs in my quick zones

These suburbs were setup by your super user, generally at go live.

If you want to:

  • Change the suburbs (so these suburbs appear or don’t appear by default), or
  • Rename your quick zone name

simply ask your Gmaven super user. (And they can process it as per “How to setup” above)

We hope you find this feature useful – and we hope it saves you a lot of time, and reduces risk.

How to setup

Setup requires a super user who has been granted access to your company’s Gmaven back end.

The super user will:

  • From a list of suburbs, assign quick zone names to suburbs.
  • Add additional suburbs from the master list of suburbs

Note: One suburb can belong to more than one quick zone.

Once complete, your super user will let Gmaven know and we will process the update.

The updated quick zones/s will then be available to everyone in your team.

Super user instructions / guidance

In the back end, ensure that each suburb is only entered once. (I.e. please don’t duplicate suburbs in column A).

Please assign the custom quick zones in the columns alongside that suburb.

While we are open to updating your mappings, we recommend doing this right, the first time. The updating of these custom settings is quite time-consuming to us (and there is a cost to you).

It is critical that the suburbs conform exactly to the uniquely identified, mastered suburb names. Misspelled or mistyped suburbs will cause issues. To achieve this, we have added a list of relevant suburbs in the tab alongside, and provide feedback on the control sheet if there are any errors.

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