Sharing data assets (access and permissions)

Last modified: February 27, 2023
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Permissions and sharing data assets

Data access / security is important, and is taken seriously by Gmaven. For more information, please see here from our FAQs.

The system can be setup so that

  • At an individual user level,
  • Specific data assets,
  • Either by default or at your / the user’s election,

Can be shared with:

  • Some colleagues,
  • All colleagues, or
  • No colleagues

Sharing data assets – the how

Please see guidance below

Sharing permissions commercial property
  1. Click on the data asset’s more actions device
  2. Select share
  3. Choose who else from your team you would like to share your data with

Please note: as you can see above, existing, shared-be-default team members are already included.

This data sharing process can be repeated with businesses, contacts, and sales deals.

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