Slice and dice CRE data

Last modified: June 30, 2021
Estimated reading time: 1 min

Easy data analysis for CRE or commercial property

This post provides context on how you filter data in everyday websites for your personal life.

Where does this functionality matter the most? Your business life. So Gmaven gives you the ability to slice and dice CRE data.

Slice and dice commercial real estate data

Data and CRE

Data is the oil that the CRE industry runs on. Your success is a function of how well you can sweat your data assets.

To make this simple, Gmaven has built you a natural querying language. In the last 50 seconds of this video we explain how you can use it to slice and dice CRE information easily in Gmaven.

If you are interested in visualising your slice and dice results, you can check out this link: awesome client presentations fast.

Enjoy, and good luck with the deals!

Sharing filters

It’s great to slice and dice CRE data. However, once you have built filters, you can also share them with your colleagues.

This saves the admin and reduces the risk of you having to send attached documents.

Here is the link on how to do this.

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