Slicker CRE deal reporting

Last modified: December 16, 2021
Estimated reading time: 2 min

Difficulty level?

2/5. Skills required: data slice and dice

Your lease deal slice and dice levers:

CRE lease deal CRM

CRE deal reporting and management – made easy

We have listened to your needs… What you wanted:

  • I want to collapse CRE deal reporting into one place – everyone is tired of the admin of merging spreadsheets (but team mates want certain data to be private)
  • Can I see a live snapshot of deals – i.e. in near real time?
  • I want to see who is running on what deals
  • How do I see deals by type – for example by size, or by property category?
  • Can I filter deals by multiple variables – without a pivot table?
  • I want to share private deal information securely (i.e. not across email)
  • Can I find out the source of deals – so I can make data-driven decisions on budgeting?
  • I want a system that is easy to use, that people will use
  • How do I save my deal analysis, for sharing with team mates?
  • I would like to sort my deals by various fields – by probability, date edited etc.
  • For CRE deal reporting, how do I see deal interest by property?
  • I want a CRE CRM that talks to my data

We are proud to be able to give you all of this functionally!

And we do this using approaches hopefully familiar to you – slice and dice, sorting, drag and drop, multi-select, URL-sharing.

How do I do it? 

Doing deal filtering inline

Easily filter by one or more of these

  • Deal owners
  • Deals by category – for example, I want to see all industrial deals
  • The success probability of deals – for example I only want to see deals that have a 50% or more chance of closing
  • Deal source – where do my deals come from?
  • Properties in the deal

Easy deal sorting

  1. How to access your deal sorting options
  2. Select what you would like to sort by
  3. Choose max to min, or min to max
Commercial property CRM

Deeper CRE deal reporting / filtering

This is the standard Gmaven slice and dice (link here), but applied to deals.

Easy to miss, but very powerful:

CRE deal analytics

For sharing your filters with others, please see below.

Sharing private deal information securely

Sending valuable deal information by email is risky.

Secondly, how do you create a common deal filter, for reuse – by you or others?

Simply copy past the unique deal URL, and share – this link shows you how it works.

Thirdly, how do you keep your deal information private, and then have it shared with select team members? This link shows you more.

How you update your deals? 

To store richer information needed for CRE deal reporting, more information can be entered here:

Commercial property deal analytics

For more info on how to run leasing deals, see here

Extra #1 – Updating deals easily

To get a deal from step A to step B, simply drag and drop the deal:

CRE deal reporting drag and drop

We handle for CRE’s complexity… On a multiple-property deal, you can:

  • Specify a lead property, and
  • Update that property’s progress, without having to navigate into the leasing deal

Where the deal already has a specified lead property, the advancement will assume that the lead property is advancing

Extra #2 – Archiving or deleting deals in batch 

You don’t want the CRE deal reporting hassle of editing each deal individually.

Simply click on each deal, and you can choose what you would like to do – archive or delete (see top right on the image below):

Commercial property CRM
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