My business is unique – can you customise for my needs?

Last modified: December 1, 2019
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Gmaven loves bringing efficiencies to the commercial real estate (CRE) industry. We see our customers as partners, and are always building new tools or enhancing existing functionality in response to our customer requests.

Gmaven system parts are divided into two:

  1. “Engine room” parts – what our customers’ customers don’t see, and
  2. “Shopfront” parts – what our customers’ customers do see.

All “shopfront” parts are highly customisable. For example, Gmaven can create custom property brochures, that pull through to your website, in line with your corporate identity or CI. For example, Gmaven works with specialist website providers (e.g. D9 CRE) that allow you to have websites whose designs, SEO, UX, brochures and functionality is completely customisable to your brand.

All relevant “engine room” parts are customisable. For example, your organisation’s “quick zones” (clusters of suburbs) can be defined, specifically, for your business. For example, your data sharing and viewing, permissions, and access is customised for your business’s unique needs.

Gmaven can also assist with your custom development needs.

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