Unique identifier

What is a unique identifier

A unique identifier is that unique “code” that is assigned to a data asset. It makes this data asset unique compared to any other data asset. Even if the name and all other “outside” information is made the same, that data asset or record can still be separately identified.

A real-life example of a unique identifier

Jackie Brown decides to get married to and take her partner’s last name, Tarantino. Jackie’s new name is Jackie Tarantino. In a database, based on name alone, there are now two versions of Jackie – Jackie Tarantino, and the former version of herself, Jackie Brown. But in real life, this person is still the same. What doesn’t change throughout this process – Jackie’s identity number.

How do you solve this? Ignore name as a unique identifier for a contact or human, and use, instead, an identity number. In this way, contact or human info can be stored correctly in a database, and your data can reflect reality.

Examples of unique identifiers for data assets in CRETech

  • Properties: LPI code (often complemented by co-ordinates)
  • Contacts or humans: ID number or social security number or passport number
  • Organisations: CIPC code or DUNS number for businesses, PBO number for NGOs, trust number for trusts etc.
  • Units: the property fund’s unique identifier (bound to a property)

Data assets outside of CRETech

  • Vehicle: VIN or chassis number

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