Quick system overview

Last modified: November 11, 2021
Estimated reading time: 2 min

Welcome to this quick system overview.

We give you links to information in a page view. This index of information is the same as the knowledge base, in a slightly different format. Our goal is to get you exploring, and turn your brain on as to what is possible here. So happy exploring.

General questions answered

You can find the following questions answered, by clicking on the relevant links below

  • Which buckets do my data live in?
  • Where do my settings live?
  • How do I quickly get to a property, contact, business, deal?
  • How do I make a lease brochure?
  • Can I see the dashboards?

System icons to look out for

Processes and functionality sits behind the following:

System icons

Adding info / doing things

How to create properties, units, businesses, deals

Seeing info

How to get different views of your data assets: dashboards, list view, grid view and map view

More info on dashboards here

Editing your data assets, more functionality

How to delete or do additional actions for a specific data asset. Here is how to access delete, or other actions on a property:

Commercial real estate automation

Wherever you see these three dots, you can do the following on any other data asset:

Commercial real estate automation

How to tidy up (archive or delete) lease deals in bulk: (simply hover over a lease deal, and tick the box that shows)

Commercial property batch editing

To see more on managing permissions and sharing your data assets, see the expert topic here.

How to slice and dice data

The biggest frustration for CRE professionals is their inability to access the information they need. The hard part, knowing what questions to ask, has been solved. Pulling the data they need, and not being able to, is both frustrating and a cause for efficiency.

We have solved this as per below:

Next steps after this quick system overview

Provided you are reading the system’s prompts, it’s very hard to break things in Gmaven.

A good confidence-building next step is to start learning-by-doing.

Start where you are comfortable, and push your boundaries of knowledge as you go.

Good luck!

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