How much does the Gmaven vacancies feed cost?

Last modified: November 1, 2024
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For brokers – monthly

Simple: each broker user, as part of their Gmaven license, gets 250 free vacancies managed every month. So if a brokerage has 10 users, that brokerage gets 2,500 vacancies (10 users x 250 vacancies each) managed every month, free.

Can I change my selection of vacancies I subscribe? No. Your “net” (the combo of area and property category and GLA criteria) remains fixed. If you want new vacancies, please engage with us to expand your net or create a new one.

What is a “vacancy”? It’s a unit or listing in a property, It’s not a property. Some properties, like industrial, may be made up of only 1 unit or vacancy. Others, like old CBD offices may have 20 units or vacancies.

How much are extra vacancies? R3 per extra vacancy fed by Gmaven per month.

For example: I have 10 users, and I want to get 2,700 vacancies. What happens if I want more vacancies? With 2,500 free vacancies, there are 200 vacancies that are not free. The charge is R3 / vacancy x 200 = R600 extra every month.

Any cost for my own vacancies I personally capture or add? (For example, shadow space or private stock added like this). No. No cost for you to add your own vacancies.

Any other costs? There is a monthly cost to maintain your filter criteria, properties, businesses and contacts. No brokerage has the same filter – some have many polygons, for separate property categories, and even unit sizes. No brokerage has the same amount of properties, businesses and contacts. The filter cost can range from R200 to R1K, depending on the complexity of your business’s filter and volume of other vacant properties, businesses and contacts data.

How much do vacancies change month on month? The accurate number, right now: we are seeing a change of 69.9% change. Made up as 46% changes to existing units (changed asking rentals, TIAs, asking expenses, parking rentals or bays). Then 12.5% new, and 11.8% removed (the last two numbers will change month to month as space is released to the market / absorbed).

Out of interest, here are examples of data quality in businesses that do not have vacancy feeds: brokerage before and after, and brokerage sample test of area.

For brokers – once off

What are the basics? No brokerage is the same, and you don’t want to get data you don’t need. We understand this, so we allow you to define your own “net”. You create a polygon/s on Google Earth, and indicate the data you would like in each polygon (e.g. this polygon is for industrial properties, this one for retail).

Here is an example of a “net”

Gmaven vacancy feed net

For more info on how to create your custom net in 7 steps, click here.

Pricing? Using this polygon or “net”, we throw it at our data, and identify how many vacant properties, units, businesses and contacts you will get. We come back to you with a cost and timing to move all this data into your system. The total cost can range from R2K to R70K, depending on how much data you would like.

Timing? Depending on how much data you want, it can take 5 days to 2 weeks.

Useful links

Here is a link on how it works  (in detail).

This is a link (repeated from above) on how to create a polygon.

Here is a high level overview on the vacancies feed

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